English reading & pronunciation skills are so important for an afffiliate marketer or internet marketer, If you are learning english as a second language [ESL]. I am a internet marketer from china, The English Pronunciation is a big question just for me. I have never lived in any english language country, but most of affiliate network wear based in english, i offen contact my associated mechants with Email, because i can translate any english articles to chinese through google translator or using whitesmoke writing software to correct my writing. But sometimes they want to contact me with a phone call, when it happen, i can't say anything just "say hello". In fact, most of affiliate marketer keep communication depended computer, email, SNS and IM. They are able to read most of english articles and write perfect english product reviews, but they can not say some words with a phone call.
TheDDCode English Reading and Prounciation Training Software is a tool special for any ESL and EFL english learning. The DD Code help you improve your reading ability and english pronunciation skills.
Are you looking for the easiest way to learn how to read and speak English?
Then you need The DD Code English Language Learning System. It is the best solution for English speaking children wanting to improve their reading skills, and for people of all ages wanting to learn English as a second language (ESL).
Forget everything else you have been told about learning to read English… Phonetics is the only sure way to learn English with correct pronunciation and that’s what The DD Code provides.
What is phonetics?
‘Phonetic’ means each letter (or letter group) is sounded how it is written. For example, the letter ‘s’ in the word ‘snake’ is pronounced ‘sss’. This is phonetic… It is spoken just as it is written. The letters ‘ui’ in the word ‘fruit’ are pronounced ‘oo’ (fr-oo-t). This is NOT phonetic… It is NOT spoken how it is written.
Only about 40% of written English is phonetic. This means that most English words are not spoken how they are written!
So how can you learn to read and speak English correctly with phonetics?
The DD Code is your answer! We have a range of products that change any English text into 100% readable, 100% phonetic English
What is The DD Code?
The DD Code is the result of over 25 years of research and testing on English speaking children and people of all ages learning English as a second language (ESL).
The DD Code adds a colour and number code to any English text without changing the original spelling. This means you can change any English text into 100% Phonetics, making it easy to read, and easy to speak.
With The DD Code products, you can learn and practise English skills and improve your accent while you are enjoying the everyday activity of using the internet.
And to make it easier, you can use the The DD Code menu system in English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian.
If you want to improve your English reading skills to have better work opportunities, prepare for travel, or just to experience more of the world through communication, The DD Code English Language Learning System can teach you faster, better and easier!
The DD Code Products

Buy it Now - $117

If you know the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), then you need Fast Phonetics. It has never been easier to convert English text into IPA. Any English text web site can be changed into IPA in just one click. With sound and video display, you can see and hear how each letter is pronounced. It is the perfect way to improve your accent using the International Phonetic Alphabet.
Buy it Now - $147
Hi there, just an important message about The DD Code products
First of all, from everyone here at Rabeck International, we hope you all had a very happy holiday season.
For the inception of 2009, we are taking this time to focus our efforts on product development. We have some excellent new features and even some new products to add.
As such, we are taking our current products offline for now in order to complete this product development. This means all current DD Code products will not be available for sale until further notice.
We appreciate your support so far and with the changes we are working on, we hope to provide even greater products to our (and your) valued customers.
Best wishes for the new year.
The DD Code Team
Fantastic products!! We look forward to the launching of the new and improved DD Code products.
Until then.. :)
Dudley Quinlivan.
Your blogs stuff is purely enough for me personally.
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