Oct 23, 2008

Adcopy Writing

Writing Effective Adcopy

What exactly is adcopy? Adcopy is the textual content contained with your ads. This could be within an medium where you are required to write ads include Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, or any other Pay Per Click search engine. Adcopy is the first point of contact between you and your potential customers. It's a simple fact that if you are good at writing adcopy then you are light years ahead above other internet marketers who can't write adcopy because if an ad does not get clicked, you might as well not be advertising at all.

Within the following text we are going to share techniques will help you write effective adcopy that not only entices people to click on your ads, but will attract prospective customers instead of people just seeking information.

The first thing you should do when you think about writing ad copy is to think like the consumer. What would captivate someone's interested enough to look at your ad and entice this same person enough to click on your ad to see what you web page has to offer. When some performs a search within Google they are bombarded with ads both down the middle and the right side of the page. You are essentially competing head-to-head with 9 other advertisers, so your job should be to make your ad stand out among the rest. How do you do that? By writing adcopy that is relevant, interesting, and different.

The first thing that you need to focus is on ad relevance. If your ad does not contain the exact keywords that the person has just performed in their search, they are probably not going to click on your ad. This means that when you create your ad groups, you should focus on including all of the keywords within your ad group within your ad copy. If you cannot do this, then chances are your ad group is too large and you need to group it tighter. Google bolds the keywords within in your ad if they are within the search query, so use the keyword as much as you can (ideally within both your ad title and description).

Secondly, you need to captivate the interest of your customer by using common language to connect with them. When they read your ad they need to agree with what you are saying. Ask them a question. If their answer is yes, then they are more likely to click on your ad, if it's no, then that's ok too because they probably wouldn't have converted into a sale for you anyway. If they are unsure, then they will definitely be interested in what you offer and they will click your ad as well, so a question within your ad will increase your click-through ratio (CTR).

Lastly, your ad should be different than the other advertisers. You may want to do a quick search under the keywords you are promoting to see what other advertisers are using for their ad copy. You do not want to copy them as this will lower the chance that someone will click your ad. You want to create and ad that is unique so that it will "stand out" from the others.

Note: If you're advertising under keywords that aren't highly targeted (which we do not recommend unless you are experienced) you may waste a lot of money on people who are just browsing the net killing time. If you put a price within your ad it will only attract people who are willing to spend money and not simply a freebie seeker or someone that is looking for free information. Again, this should only be implemented if you are promoting within an industry that is looking for free information or you are advertising under broad keywords

Examples of Effective Adcopy

The following examples show different types of ad writing techniques that can be used to create highly effective, high click-through ads. When writing your copy, you should have a few things in mind. Your goal is to get as many people as possible to click through your ads to your landing page, but you want to do this using techniques that reflect the relevance of your page. Adding keywords like "FREE" in your ads is not a good idea because people that type in "free" into their search queries are not usually going to make a purchase.

If you have not heard of a "call to action" phrase, you will need to familiarize yourself with this term. It is exactly how it sounds; you are calling someone out to take an action. Cal-to-action phrases will prompt the user to subconsciously click on your ad. If you want someone to do something, there is no harm in asking and you will find out that asking your customers to do something will greatly benefit you as marketer.

Here are some examples of "Call-to-Action" phrases:

Click Here
Join Now
Sign up
Instant Access
Get Access

Sample AdCopy

This ad has the kw in the title, and entices the user by displaying the possible payout. On the second line it connects with the user by asking a question and in the third line it reiterates how much money you can make.
This ad has the kw in the title along with the price. This will help filter out people who are just browsing, or looking for FREE ways to make money (there isn't such a thing). Second and third line explain how you can make money with the product.
This ad is a bit dangerous because of the amount of traffic you can get advertising under the keyword mp3 downloads. It does however use the kw in the title, and explain the product well. The "join now" phrase will help filter out people looking for free stuff.
This ad is great! It uses the kw in the title, and explains the product while stating the fact that there is a charge involved. Who wouldn't pay 99 cents / month for unlimited downloads of music? Perhaps something that you could state on your landing page. Compare the price to iTunes @ 99 cents per song.

And as we mentioned earlier, posing a question can increase your CTR drastically. Here are some examples of that:

Do You Hate...?
Does it Work?
Is it a Scam?
How much is...?

Obviously a question could pertain to just about anything, so you will want to be creative and really think about a question that a consumer may be asking themselves when writing this type of ad copy.

The Use of the Word SCAM

"Scam" is definitely one of those terms that create a red flag. Many people have been ripped off online and many people are weary of making purchases online because they are in fear of being scammed. There is a good chance that you have been scammed yourself. By using the term "scam" within your ad copy you are triggering this emotions and triggering the interest of the people searching. The use of the term "scam" has been proven to increase ad CTR drastically in many test that we have performed and many other independent tests performed online. Want a boost in CTR...add "scam" within your ad

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