Oct 23, 2008

Using Yahoo! Search Marketing

What is Yahoo Search Marketing?

Yahoo Search Marketing (YSM), formerly Overture.com, is one of the leading PPC (pay-per-click) networks available to advertisers. Prior to Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing was the leading PPC engine around. Their search networks contains the likes of:

  • Yahoo!
  • AltaVista
  • CNN
  • InfoSpace

We highly recommend that you use Yahoo Search Marketing as well as Google Adwords because if you are not using both of them you are only reaching half of the Internet with your ads. We use both YSM and Adwords and we have always found that close to half of all our conversions come from Yahoo. The traffic quality is equally as high as Google traffic, which explains why you can expect 100% more sales if you start using Yahoo as well as Google.

Expand Your Business

If you are looking to expand your advertising campaigns and reach a larger audience, Yahoo Search Marketing is your best choice because of the high quality traffic their network delivers. It is very comparable to Google’s and often times you can find very low CPC, high converting keywords. Yahoo Search Marketing will also give you the ability to now get targeted placement within Yahoo which has yearly search queries that total just slightly less than Google’s market share. This means you will be able to drive large amounts of quality from another source to your website.

YSM follows the same sort of Quality Ranking that Google does, with their more relevant ads (and landing pages) obtaining higher listings for a lower cost. Because of this you can port over your exact campaigns from Google and keep them in the same ad group format.

Yahoo Search Marketing search listings convert. You will find that conversions often times will be just as good within YSM searches as they are within Google’s. If you have conversion data or have an idea which keywords are converting within Google, these should be added to your YSM campaign because chances are, they will convert just as good within both networks (not the case 100% of the time).

1 comment:

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